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At one hundred meters tall, Ba Sing Se's Outer Wall is the city's first, and thickest, line of defense. This makes it the largest man-made structure in the world.


The wall encircles all of Ba Sing Se, along with the vast Agrarian Zone and lake Laogai. It is considered indestructible and is commonly incorporated on maps as a terrain feature. In fact, it has only been breached three times: twice by General Iroh and once by the Fire Nation drill. The Dai Li mandates that soldiers and sentries be placed on the wall at all times, with many of them living in built-in homes inside the wall.


Just outside of the Lower Ring, between the Outer Wall and the Inner Wall of the city, is the Agrarian Zone, a large underdeveloped area that consists of wide open plains of land, used mainly for agricultural purposes.


Along with its vital wildlife and crop resources, the Agrarian Zone functions as a massive land buffer between the Outer Wall and the Inner Wall, where all of the Ba Sing Se residents dwell, widening the gap between invaders and citizens if perchance the Outer Wall was ever breached. This area in the city houses many farms belonging to citizens, mostly of the Lower Ring, who live behind the Inner Wall and travel outside to tend to the land every day.


The Agrarian Zone served as a station for earthbender rebellions following Ba Sing Se's capture. The Order of the White Lotus had a camp here prior to the arrival of Sozin's Comet. The Agrarian Zone is also the location of the new Ba Sing Se Zoo.

Agrarian Zone


Lake Laogai is a large body of water located within the Agrarian Zone of Ba Sing Se.


It was stated by Joo Dee to be a vacation spot, but in actuality, it hid beneath it a secret underground prison created by Long Feng for his personal purpose of interning anyone there whose actions were contrary to his plans. This hidden location eventually became the Dai Li's base of operations, where they organized their conspiracy through brainwashing and other illegal means; However, it was abandoned due to its discovery. 


The secret headquarters is presumed to have been destroyed, as discovered by Team Avatar when they tried to convince Earth King Kuei of Long Feng's conspiracy. In an attempt to expose the facilities, Toph's raising of the ground under the lake with earthbending uncovered only a destroyed entrance to the base.

Lake Laogai


The Inner Wall is a massive earthen barrier that serves as the primary protector of the actual city of Ba Sing Se after the Outer Wall and the vast Agrarian Zone. During the war, it was constantly guarded by earthbenders who could create an opening in it to allow incoming and exiting traffic.


Due to the limited space the wall allowed for the expanding city, some of the Lower Ring houses were built directly against the wall. When the city fell during the Hundred Year War, dozens of Dai Li agents brought this wall down along with the Outer Wall to grant the Fire Nation Army access to the entire city.

Inner Wall



W1. Illustration of the Outer Wall


W2. Illustration of the Inner Wall


W3. Illustration of the Agrarian Zone


W4. Illustration of Ba Sing Se Zoo


NOTE: The Monorail of Ba Sing Se connects the outer wall to the Metropolis area up to the Upper Ring, thus the replacement of the Monorail Station's first stop at the outer wall.

W5. Illustration of Ba Sing Se's Monorail Station

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